visual information display

英 [ˈvɪʒuəl ˌɪnfəˈmeɪʃn dɪˈspleɪ] 美 [ˈvɪʒuəl ˌɪnfərˈmeɪʃn dɪˈspleɪ]




  1. If you can think of a visual, Ghosd, and the Synergy debug information can help you display it.
  2. The effect of chromatic adaptation of the human visual system to a complex background upon the color appearance of information displays is investigated with the binocular asymmetric matching method applied to the observation of color monitor screens in computer visual display terminals ( VDT).
  3. The user interface is developed with CVI embedded in the Visual C++ develop environment, including menu, soft keyboard, view area, measurement information configuration area and measurement information display area.
  4. In order to monitor the system directly and simply, it is used Microsoft Visual Basic tools to design a visual control interface communicating with microchip system through RS-232 port, and it implements three functions including parameter setup, real-time information display and alarm indication.
  5. The multi-element visual display has become the main information display mode.
  6. Operators could get clear visual words operating information and measuring result on the apparatus's LCD ( Liquid Crystal Display).
  7. The authors think that visual human-machine interfaces includes three aspects, i.e. the visualization of the objects of information and knowledge resources, the visualization of the operation of human-machine interfaces and the visualization of the display of operation results.
  8. A marine integrated information display system is implemented by use of the NetDDE, ADO and ActiveX control technique of Visual Basic.
  9. This paper designs a welding arc information testing and processing system, which can deal with data acquisition, signal processing and real-time display in Visual C++.
  10. The system is developed from Visual Basic, mainly composed of six modules: bus information, system management, display data, rain proof performance test, user management and system help.
  11. This paper achieved a deep submergence rescue vehicle information display system, which based Windows operating system platform, using Visual C++ 6.0 IDE.